Anyone who knows me knows that I love sweets. Especially ice cream. It takes a ridiculous amount of willpower to keep myself from splurging on it everyday. It's addicting, and if I don't get ice cream at some point during the week, I go crazy. I need that sweet, sugary sensation to keep a hold of my sanity.
For theatre people, being part of shows, whether it's acting, directing, or being on tech, is the same way. It's addicting, and when you don't get to be involved with shows for a long time, you practically go through withdrawal because you miss the excitement, and even the stress, that you live for.
Why do I bring this up? It's happening to me right now.
I haven't been involved with a show since August, and unless something changes, I won't get the chance to be involved in another one until after Christmas. I haven't been able to do the shows at the community theatre I volunteer at due to the fact that I wouldn't be able to get there every night because of other stuff that's been going on in my family. I was supposed to be assistant directing my school's play, but that got postponed until further notice because of some bad news. So what am I doing in the meantime?
Going absolutely crazy.
I've been to see a few plays, including the one that's currently playing at the community theatre, and I'm ushering for one of the shows this weekend. I've been reading some plays, watching some musicals on DVD, and going to tech night at the theatre, but as anyone who's ever been involved with theatre will know, it's not enough.
When I'm not involved with a show for more than a month, there feels like a part of me is missing. I don't have to go to rehearsal? I don't have to go to a show? I just have to sit around? It doesn't seem right! Theatre is what I live for, and I hate having too much free time on my hands!
So for the next few months, I'll probably be in this awful mental state and eagerly anticipating whatever show comes my way next (I'm still not sure which one it is, since I'm not too sure about dates for everything yet). Because theatre is like sugar - no matter what you do, you're always going to crave that feeling of being part of an amazing live performance.
I totally agree with you about having so much time on your hands between shows. I'm currrently designing sound for a ommmunity production of The Man Who Came To Dinner and then Guys and Dolls JR in January after that I have no idea what I will do next. I also have an audition coming up in January for a community production of The Music Man so I'm really hoping I get into that show because it's been so long since i've been in a play